Jumat, 26 November 2010

Serabi Notosuman

              One of the typical snacks of Solo is a "pancake". One of the famous pancake vendor in Solo is "Serabi Notosuman" located in the area Notosuman. Many migrants are often bought to serve as a souvenir. It was very tasty typical derived from coconut milk, some are selling it by giving a sprinkling of chocolate eggs on top. In addition to selling in the area Notosuman, along Jl. Slamet Riyadi also we have encountered many pancake seller. Apart from a sprinkling of chocolate, in its development pancake often been modified with a variety of additional materials to add different flavor from the pancake itself, such as jackfruit, banana. tetepi modification of an existing sense of pancake will not relieve the original pancake, because each flavor has its fans respectively. Notosuman pancake pancake is more expensive than that sold on the outskirts of jl. Slamet Riyadi.

Menu Mainstay: Serabi is certainly ..Price Range: Rp.12,000,-Location: Notosuman Road
Opening hours: 07:30 to 11:00Halal

GALABO = Gladak Langen Bogan (Cuisine Tourism)

         Solo City / Surakarta is very famous for its culinary tour, even one of the biggest tourist potential of this city is a culinary tour. Place a culinary destination, among others, market tengkleng Klewer, milk shijack, liwet rice, porridge Lemu, wedang Dongo, bestik tongue, claw gudek Bu Kasno and beef satay "Yu Rebi". A new breakthrough by the government of the city of Solo is to combine all these culinary attractions in one region in the area Gladak, Solo.
        Now that culinary tourists can easily enjoy the culinary delights of Solo / Surakarta with only visit one area. The place is named Gladak Langen Bogan (Galabo) every day can be visited between 1500 to 2000 people and can increase up to twice on Saturday / week / holiday, visitors even this place is not even just from the city of Solo, but also from the towns around Solo. The uniqueness of this culinary attractions is its location which is located on the highway, culinary tourists can enjoy a meal in the middle of the street is clean and has been closed to vehicles.

NB :
-motorcycle parking  : Rp.2000,-
-car parking               : Rp.4000,-

Manahan Stadium

There is a place that seemed to have become a 'sacred' for football lovers in the city of Solo. Manahan Stadium, a building that has been used as a gathering place for the enthusiast the ball in the river city. This is where the ball enthusiast who named himself as Pasoepati, always come together to provide support directly to the middle of his favorite team play in the stadium. Since inaugurated by President Soeharto in 1998, Manahan has now climbed the stadium age of 12 years.

Knight Statue Archery, became a symbol of sturdiness Manahan Stadium in the city of Solo.
Large whitewashed building located on the street Adi Sucipto it, is one part of the facilities contained in the complex Gelora Sports Manahan. Manahan name itself is taken from the name of a village located in the district Banjarsari, Surakarta.
In these villages, Manahan Stadium stands firmly among the surrounding buildings which have been filled with housing, schools, places of worship, green open spaces and roads with rows of pine trees at the edges.
Complex Gelora Manahan, is a complex of sports facilities are quite large and most comprehensive in the city of Solo.

Manahan Stadium, Surakarta is an offering from Madame Tien Soeharto's foundations. Its construction began in 1989 with using the land area of 170,000 m2 and building area of 33,300 m2. It took nine years to transform vacant land into building a sturdy stadium Manahan. And right on Saturday February 21, 1998, Manahan Stadium finally inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto. In managing Manahan Stadium, Surakarta city government handed it over to the Foundation Gelora Surakarta.
Manahan Stadium, Surakarta is one of the existing international standard stadiums in Indonesia. In addition to having the facility open tribune in the east, south and north, Manahan Stadium is also equipped with closed stands (VIP) on the western side of the stands, complete with bleachers. Manahan Stadium Capacity in the stands able to accommodate the number of spectators to reach 35,000 people.
Other facilities into one building stadiums with tracks such Manahan running track / athletics, long jump, table tennis, judo training, fight training degrees, health room, secretarial space, space reporters and the press conference room. While in the complex Gelora Manahan own, sporting facilities are available even somewhat more complete and diverse because the available tennis courts, cycling, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis room, billiard room, 3 pieces of a soccer field and gymnasium ( GOR).

Western Tribune VIP Manahan Stadium, equipped with a chair seat that gives comfort to the football lovers of sport in the city of Solo.
Judging from its geographical location, presence at Manahan Stadium, Solo fairly strategic. Standing majestically on the middle of downtown, adjacent to airports, hotels, highways and shopping centers make Manahan Stadium as one of the most representative place in the organization of sporting events of national and international scale.

Dullah, Realist Painting Maestro

Late in 1979, a painter named Affandi hanging one of his students at Pejeng, Bali, this time the sun sting. 60-year-old pupil was, Dullah, do not dare deny it. Affandi again kerajingan make reconstruction of large posters at the time of struggle, Ajo Boeng Boeng titled, once regarded as the first poster made the struggle of people here.

Dullah known as a realist painter. The style of realistic painting. His passion is to paint the portrait (face) and create a composition that shows a lot of people (group). Recognized as a teacher of painting are two famous painters; S. Sudjojono and Affandi. Yet his painting style has never had in common with two of his teachers.

Once known as the court painter for 10 years since the early 1950s, with typical duty repair of damaged paintings and book compiler collection of paintings of President Sukarno. Dullah also known as a painter of the revolution, because in many of his works explores the themes of the struggle for the duration of maintaining independence.

At the time of independence war II, when Yogyakarta was occupied by Dutch troops on December 19, 1949 to June 29, 1950, Dullah lead their students who are not yet 17 years old to paint directly the events during the occupation of Yogyakarta as the effort of documenting the history of national struggle. The paintings are produced when it is reviewed in newspapers and even by Affandi assessed as the work of only one in the world.
Dullah is a realist painter who rarely exhibited. But the show with her children in the Great House (Presidential Palace in Yogyakarta) in 1978, managed to attract tens of thousands of people. Although the exhibition was extended one day, the gate of the Great Northern Building was also broken. The exhibition that followed December 20, 1979 until January 2, 1980, in Aldiron Plaza, Jakarta. Many people are disappointed because he did not sell his paintings.

Menenun, Cat minyak diatas kanvas, 90 x 12 cm

For her painting is a medium to communicate with the public. Dullah including the founder of the Cultural Association of Surakarta (HBS). Then set up a studio in Pejeng, Bali. At each exhibition either within or outside the country, the work of his students is included.

He also wrote poems. Some of his poem published in the Indonesian literary anthology on gather by HB Jassin. Never translated into English and published in a collection in Pakistan. A poem titled People's Children was written in 1943 and published in the Echoes of the country, perhaps already hinted kegandrungannya to the theme of the struggle in his paintings. Dullah establish a private museum in Solo in the 70s, and until now the museum is still managed by a government representative and Surakarta Municipality.

Many of the paintings are a collection of important government officials both within and outside the country, community leaders and dignitaries, including Indonesia's first president Sukarno, Indonesia's first Vice President Mohammad Hatta, Adam Malik, former U.S. President Eisenhower, former U.S. Vice President States Walter Mondale, former Australian Prime Minister Rudolf Menzies and art galleries in the Czech Republic.

Name :

Born :
Solo, Jawa Tengah,
17 September 1919

Profession :
Pelukis dan penulis
His Work :
Lukisan-lukisan koleksi DR. Ir. Soekarno, Presiden RI, sebayak 4 jilid diterbitkan di RRC tahun 1956 dan 1961,
Ukiran-ukiran rakyat Indonesia koleksi DR. Ir. Soekarno Presiden RI, diterbitkan di RRC tahun 1961,
Karya dalam peperangan dan revolusi, diterbitkan di Indonesia tahun 1982. 

Batik Gallery Museum by Danarhadi

            Located with in the complex Ndalem Wuryaningratan, founded by H. Santosa Doellah concerned and obsessed with preserving and developing the art of batik in Indonesia in particular  and the world at large. Relying on more than ten thousand of  collection of ancient batik, H. Doellah develop Danarhadi ancient batik gallery with the theme "Batik: Influence of Age and Environment".
By using the theme, the arrangement of the collection on display is a Dutch Batik, Chinese Batik, Javanese Batik, Hakokai, Indian influence batik, Palace batik, Batik effect of the Palace, Batik Saudagaran, Farmers Batik, Batik Indonesia, and Batik Danarhadi. Collections on display about seven hundred ancient batik cloth. Every seven to nine months once a collection of ornaments to be replaced.

Location: Jl. Slamet Riyadi 261 Solo
Open: every day at 9:00 to 15:00 pm.

Selasa, 23 November 2010


Radya Pustaka is the oldest museum in Indonesia.  Built on October 28, 1890 by Kanjeng  Adipati Sosroningrat IV, pepatih dalem during the reign Pakubuwono Pakubuwono IX and  X. The first museum is located in one room in the residence of a KRA Sosrodiningrat IV in Kepatihan named Panti Wobowo. Then, on the initiative of Paku Buwana X, the museum then moved to Loji Kadipolo on  January 1, 1913 to the present.
Entering the gates of the museum, there's nothing interesting about this place. There is no impression that shows that this museum is the oldest museum and many historical relics in it. This condition is similar to other museums we've ever visited.
The museum Radya Pustaka located at Slamet Riyadi street, housed within the complex Sriwedari Cultural Park. In this museum stored collection of ancient objects that have a value of high art and history of other anatar: some stone and bronze statues of Hindu and Buddhist era, collections of ancient dagger and weapon tardisional, a set of gamelan, wayang kulit and wayang beber, a collection of ceramics, and various other art that has artistic value and high culture.


           Simplified History of Solo Kauman Village The Great Mosque was founded by PB III in the year or years 1757M Wawu Saka 1689, 12 years after the royal Kartasura moved to Surakarta. With a shape similar to the Grand Mosque of Demak and enter Kauman environment, therefore the possibility of the establishment also Kauman village environment around these years.
At the time of celebration sounded sekaten 2 pieces of gamelan that is placed inside the grand mosque called Gamelan Kiai Guntur Madu IV made by PB in the year 1718 placed Java in the south and in the northern part of Guntur Madu Sari Gamelan Kiai created by Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo on 1566 years of Java.
Kauman Village has close links with the history of displacement Kartosuro palace to Solo which later changed its name to Kasunanan. Kauman is a place of scholars consisting of several layers of society ranging from the prince commentary anom, dime, muezzin, suronoto and people. The existence of the majority population in the region that is the basis for the choice name "Kauman".
Society of the (Abdi Dalem) get special training from Kasunanan for producing batik either jarik / scarves and so forth. In other words, a tradition inherited directly Kauman batik batik inspirations from Ndalem Kasunanan Kraton Surakarta Sultanate. Based on the provision of expertise provided by the community Kauman to produce works that directly relate to batik batik motifs that are often used by the royal family.
In its development, the art of batik, which is in the village Kauman can be divided into three forms of classical batik motifs grip (batik), pure batik stamp and a combination model between Stationery and stamps. Batik-patterned grip that is heavily influenced by the art of batik is a product of superior courts Kasunanan Kauman batik village. Kampung batik products Kauman made using natural silk and woven silk, cotton and prime type premisima, rayon.
Villages that have 20-30s is a subscription-home industry from buyers that have been intertwined for generations and foreign tourists (Japan, Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States). Uniqueness is offered to the tourists is the ease of transactions, looking at the home venue for the activities of batik production. That is, visitors have ample opportunity to find out the process of making batik. Even to try his own practice of making batik.
Besides the product of batik, batik village atmosphere surrounded Kauman also sites of historical buildings such as building houses joglo, Limasan, colonial and colonial architecture blend Java and. The buildings of the past remain strong amid towering modern architecture shopping malls, financial institutions (banks and foreign exchange), homestay and hotels are widely available around the village Kauman. Support facilities around the village Kauman clearly provide special conveniences for all the tourists who visit in meeting other needs outside of batik.

solo cctv
