Selasa, 23 November 2010


           Simplified History of Solo Kauman Village The Great Mosque was founded by PB III in the year or years 1757M Wawu Saka 1689, 12 years after the royal Kartasura moved to Surakarta. With a shape similar to the Grand Mosque of Demak and enter Kauman environment, therefore the possibility of the establishment also Kauman village environment around these years.
At the time of celebration sounded sekaten 2 pieces of gamelan that is placed inside the grand mosque called Gamelan Kiai Guntur Madu IV made by PB in the year 1718 placed Java in the south and in the northern part of Guntur Madu Sari Gamelan Kiai created by Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo on 1566 years of Java.
Kauman Village has close links with the history of displacement Kartosuro palace to Solo which later changed its name to Kasunanan. Kauman is a place of scholars consisting of several layers of society ranging from the prince commentary anom, dime, muezzin, suronoto and people. The existence of the majority population in the region that is the basis for the choice name "Kauman".
Society of the (Abdi Dalem) get special training from Kasunanan for producing batik either jarik / scarves and so forth. In other words, a tradition inherited directly Kauman batik batik inspirations from Ndalem Kasunanan Kraton Surakarta Sultanate. Based on the provision of expertise provided by the community Kauman to produce works that directly relate to batik batik motifs that are often used by the royal family.
In its development, the art of batik, which is in the village Kauman can be divided into three forms of classical batik motifs grip (batik), pure batik stamp and a combination model between Stationery and stamps. Batik-patterned grip that is heavily influenced by the art of batik is a product of superior courts Kasunanan Kauman batik village. Kampung batik products Kauman made using natural silk and woven silk, cotton and prime type premisima, rayon.
Villages that have 20-30s is a subscription-home industry from buyers that have been intertwined for generations and foreign tourists (Japan, Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States). Uniqueness is offered to the tourists is the ease of transactions, looking at the home venue for the activities of batik production. That is, visitors have ample opportunity to find out the process of making batik. Even to try his own practice of making batik.
Besides the product of batik, batik village atmosphere surrounded Kauman also sites of historical buildings such as building houses joglo, Limasan, colonial and colonial architecture blend Java and. The buildings of the past remain strong amid towering modern architecture shopping malls, financial institutions (banks and foreign exchange), homestay and hotels are widely available around the village Kauman. Support facilities around the village Kauman clearly provide special conveniences for all the tourists who visit in meeting other needs outside of batik.

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